Monday, March 24, 2008

Giant Easter Snowman


We had a wonderful Easter, of course. My family all came to our house to celebrate the day. Thanks to grandma we had lots of great food to feast on. To wrap up our day together, we made a birthday greeting video for my grandma's surprise 88th birthday party in June. We made our video IMG_3544in front of this giant (almost 12 feet tall) snowman. My cousins, (right next door to my parents house) were building this huge snowman Easter day. Apparently they had way too much energy and my uncle kicked them out of the house. I have now lost all hope of my kids growing out of that stage. 

The cousin with the "California" shirt on... not sure if he really helped with the building part. Perhaps his helmet was on too tight. LOL


We got a group shot of our whole family. Too bad the one that we all look normal in the snowman's head was cut off.  It's a good thing it didn't take long to get a family shot and do the video, because it was quite cold standing out there.IMG_3551

1 comment:

Damama T said...

HOW TOTALLY (no pun intended) COOL!! That is the best snowman I've ever seen. I bet your bunch had more fun doing that than digging into whatever candy they may have been given. WOW! I wanna come play there now - cold or not! ;o)